Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nina Logan & Varian Wolf

Artworks by ceramics seniors Nina Logan and Varian Wolf are included in Art of the Next Generation at Brick City Center for the Arts, Ocala, FL. The exhibition includes more than 40 students in Tampa, Orlando, Daytona Beach, Lake County, and Alachua County.

Nina Logan's piece entitled "Catch of the Day" (pictured above) received the Best of show award. The following is an excerpt from the Nov 5th issue of the Gainesville Sun:

Nina Logan's "Catch of the Day" is an example of creativ­ity at its best. Logan, a UF senior, used a bunch of palm tree fronds and assembled them to look like a fish. Many people think it resembles a marlin, but Logan said she didn't have a particular fish in mind when she started making the piece. It won Best of Show.
"I always look for inspiration wherever I go. Driving home one day and I noticed the neighbor's had these palm fronds laid out on the curb," she explained. "They just had this beautiful red color to them, so I picked them up and took them home and just started playing with them.”

The show will run through Nov. 15th
Brick City Center for the Arts
23 S Broadway St.
Ocala, FL
9-5 Tu- Sat.